
Carroll County, Indiana

Carroll County is located in mid-northwestern Indiana, 19 miles from I-65. IN State MAP- web
It is the crossing site for seven (7) highways, two (2) rail lines, and the new Hoosier Heartland Corridor. Carroll County is strategically located for workers, with a population of 360,000 people in the immediate surrounding counties. Carroll County is also within at five-hour drive of nearly 53,000,000 others.

Travel time from major areas

Lafayette, Indiana - 30 minutes / 18 miles
West Lafayette, Indiana - 40 minutes / 21 miles
Ft. Wayne, Indiana - 2 hours / 97 miles
Indianapolis, Indiana - 1 1/2 hours / 78 miles
Chicago, Illinois - 2 1/2 hours / 125 miles
Louisville, Kentucky - 3 hours / 192 miles 

Quick Stats (see more here)

County Population (2012 est.): 20,095

Stats on the Labor Force
County Seat:
Largest City: Delphi (pop in 2010: 2,893)
Population per Sq. Mile: 54.9
Sq. Miles: 372.3
Cities: Delphi
Towns:  Camden, Flora, Burlington, Yeoman
Villages:  Cutler, Bringhurst, Deer Creek, Ockley, Radnor, Pyrmont, Rockfield, Burrows

Townships: Adams, Burlington, Carrollton, Clay, Deer Creek, Democrat,
Jackson, Jefferson, Liberty, Madison, Monroe, Rock Creek, Tippecanoe, Washington

Leading Employers 

Additional Resources & Statistics

Additional statistics about Carroll County Indiana can be found here

Statistics about Indiana can be found here

The US Census has state analysis and quick facts here

Indiana specific statistics from US Department of Agriculture can be found here 
