Carroll County Wants Your Business
We offer competitive packages with state and local incentives to meet your needs.
The Carroll County Economic Development team is prepared to do what it takes to assist a new or expanding enterprise. We can help you identify a prospective location and provide information on available buildings and land to match your facility requirements. We can arrange and conduct site and facility tours of any property of interest to you. We offer our continued commitment to ensure the best programs are in place. If you need further information, assistance, or other enticements, our support is just a question away.
The Carroll County Commissioners, the Carroll County Council, and the cities of Burlington, Camden, Delphi, and Flora have all demonstrated a willingness to help industrial companies grow through the use of tax abatement. Tax abatements are available for both manufacturing equipment (5 or 10 years) and for capital improvement. We welcome new projects that offer job growth with good wages and expansion projects that add new jobs or that retain employment.
Carroll County and county municipalities will create Tax Increment Financing (TIF) districts in order to make public improvements within those districts that will promote private sector development. During the development period, taxes are frozen at the predevelopment level. As property values in the allocation area increase as a result of new development, the additional tax revenues are used to meet debt service on issued bonds or finance future growth in the district.
The cities of Burlington, Camden, Delphi, and Flora and Carroll County are committed to the attraction of new businesses as well as the growth and retention of existing employers. They will aggressively work to attract and retain employers. Investment, number of jobs created or retained, wage levels and other factors that make Carroll County a better community are factors involved in the level of incentive support.
Carroll County and the cities of Burlington, Camden, Delphi, and Flora will aggressively work with employers to secure grant funding to assist in the training of new employees. Funding may include the State Skills Enhancement Funds or cooperative efforts in conjunction with Ivy Tech State College. Please contact the Carroll County EDC for questions and assistance.